10 Signs You Need to See a Urologist
Men tend to develop health conditions as they age. Under these conditions, physicians recommend a visit to the renowned urologist.
The question is whether you should visit a urologist. Here are some signs you should schedule an appointment with the specialist:
1. Erectile Dysfunction
If you experience erectile dysfunction, it can be a sign of a bigger health condition. It may be a sign of vascular condition, renal failure, hypertension, etc. Scheduling an appointment with a specialist will help.
2. Leakage of Urine
Are you suffering from issues related to urinary incontinence? Have you been experiencing leakage of urine? It is important to visit a urologist for a detailed examination.
3. Frequent Urination
Do you feel an urge to urinate often? If yes, then it is time to visit the top urology center. It is especially important if leakage of urine or incontinence begins to interfere with your lifestyle. Urinary incontinence is not a big problem. It is fairly common among men and can be managed or treated successfully.
4. Change in Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Level
The PSA test is usually considered a way to determine the presence of early-stage prostate cancer. Decreased level of PSA can also be an issue. If changes in the level of PSA in the bloodstream are observed, meet a Urologist.
5. Abnormality of Kidney
In case, your doctor detects something wrong on X-ray, it is important to reach out to a Urologist for detailed examination. They will decide if you need further treatment.
6. Infertility
Around 25 percent of infertility problems may be due to the male problem. In case, your partner is being evaluated for infertility, you should also get a concurrent evaluation done by a Urologist.
7. Blood in Urine
Do you see blood in the urine? If yes, then it is a cause of concern. It is time to get in touch with a urologist. Self –referral also works. Blood in the urine may be an indication of kidney or bladder cancer. The doctor will assess the stage and let you know about the treatment.
8. Painful Urination
Infections can occur in any part of the urinary tract, most often caused by bacteria. A Urologist can determine the cause of such an infection and recommend targeted treatment.
9. Abnormal Prostate Exam
Men over the age of 40 should get an annual exam from the doctor. It is suggested to visit the same medical practitioner if possible. This is important to help any changes to be monitored more closely. It is also helpful in early detection of prostate cancer which increases the chances of successful treatment. In case, any firmness, irregularities, or small nodules are detected in the exam, you need to get referred to an experienced Urologist. This will determine any potentially serious issues. When caught early, prostate cancer has increased chances of getting cured.
10. Testicular Pain, Masses or Lump
You should see a urologist if the testicular pain is persistent and does not go away in 14 days. So watch out for two weeks before heading to a urology center for diagnosis. You should get any mass, firmness or nodules on the testicles examined by a renowned urologic specialist. This may be a sign of testicular cancer. When detected at early stages, cancer of the testes is curable cancer.
Take it Easy
There is no need to get nervous about your appointment with a urologist. The professional is your healthcare partner. You need to trust your medical practitioner. Most men tend to avoid visiting the doctor as they perceive most problems to be minor health issues. However, it is crucial to recognize major symptoms that signal a larger problem.
Keeping an eye on the above-listed symptoms will help you get the right treatment without delay.