Integrate SEO Referencing From Website Design
Do you have a website creation project and are you wondering when to integrate SEO into it? Discover the disadvantages, but also and above all, the advantages of using a SEO from the design of a website. You can also contact Professional SEO Services Agency. Calling on a referrer (or an SEO agency) from the design of a site is essential to optimize the referencing of this site in the long term. Thinking about SEO from the start also avoids a redesign dedicated to SEO if it was technically poorly designed for SEO
Summary :
What is a referrer? What are its missions?
A SEO (Search Engine Optimizer in English) is a specialist in natural referencing. This expert aims to optimize websites as well as possible so that they attract as many visitors as possible, free of charge, from search engines. The objective of the SEO referrer will therefore be to put in place a certain number of technical and editorial optimizations so that a website can position itself on given queries on Google and other search engines, without having recourse to sponsored links.
Obscure for many people, the missions of the SEO are diverse and varied. Here are the main actions for which an SEO or an agency can be hired:
- Advice on the development of a website (architecture, hosting, redirections, technologies used, indexability, crawlability, error management, loading time, mobile compatibility, etc.)
- optimization of the content and/or structure of a website (Hn markup, images, etc.)
- semantic analysis and editorial advice
- local SEO optimization
- keyword analysis
- development of partnerships
What are the benefits of hiring an SEO from the start?
Creating a website without calling on a SEO during its design is like calling on a mason to build the walls of a house when the foundations are non-existent.
A referencer integrated from the beginning of a website creation project is an additional security but above all a passage strongly recommended for projects that rely heavily on search engines for their future development.
Here are the main advantages of using an SEO from the start of a website creation project:
- An SEO friendly structure from the start : from the choice of page types not to be indexed to the optimization of the structure, URLs, internal linking and markup of each page, a site integrating SEO from the start will only be more effective against its competitors.
- Thoughtful positioning based on analyses : wanting to position oneself on the most competitive request in a sector is often the objective of a publisher. Positioning on many associated and less competitive queries generally offers very good results. The referrer will be able to support the publisher in targeting the queries that have the most potential according to the client's objectives.
- Controlled costs : using a SEO from the design of a site allows you to precisely budget all aspects related to SEO. Integrating SEO from the start also means that you don't have to pay twice for the design of a site if big changes are essential (web development is not free, especially if it is not internalized) .
- Long-term follow-up : an agency or a referrer supporting a project from the start will be better able to provide relevant support over the long term
What are the disadvantages of using a SEO when the site is already online?
Even if it is recommended, using a SEO when the website is already created has some disadvantages. Here are the main ones:
- Costly changes : it is possible that non-SEO friendly technologies are used on the site and prevent it from being properly crawled by search engines (use of flash for example). In this case, the SEO will advise replacing them with other technologies, which will necessarily have an additional cost for publishers. If the overall architecture of the site or pages is not SEO thought, the changes will also have a significant cost for the client.
- More delicate and limited modifications : the fact of appealing to a referrer when the site is already created also limits its range of action. If he is able to modify many things without risk when designing a site, certain recommendations such as modifying the rewriting of URLs are more risky and difficult once the site is online and indexed. A change in architecture and navigation can also impact users by changing the habits of Internet users.
- A painful history : A bad site structure can have harmful long-term effects that won't be able to be corrected in a few days. Duplicate content issues can, for example, lead to a Panda penalty that will not be lifted in a snap.